Courses / Events

A Project Re-Wild In-Person Experience. Join Brandy as she guides you and six other men and women with an experience and journey to open the gateway to your aspirations, transformation, and prosperity. This path will ignite your transformation to release old patterns, beliefs, and habits. Unleash your elemental nature to feel grounded, clear, and whole as you create a life full of potential.

Registration for this course has closed. If you have any questions or inquiries, please, reach out.

Many of us have been on a journey to reclaim our health already; we have been looking for groups of others wanting to do the same. We appreciate the wisdom and teaching of nature and find ourselves in nature often. Ultimately, we want to feel healthy, whole, and full of vitality to give back to our family and community. However, we have found ourselves being pulled by society’s perceptions, noise and light pollution, traffic, shopping malls, devices/social media/podcasts and many things that are taking us further away from nature and our innate elemental nature.

Join other health care professionals as we pursue lifelong mastery within personal and professional lives.

We will unite in our online community and Zoom rooms with Elemental Leaders to discuss and explore many subjects and the intersection of science, intuition and creation. We will continuously pursue depth in the pillars of our practice and united we will grow and develop ease in our personal and professional lives.

Elemental Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

One on one coaching is something special we offer and is unique to each community member. Together we playfully pursue  your depth, purpose and passion. Packages are available to dive deeper into your personal and professional ambitions. You will leave these sessions with clear steps and inspiration to take your life to another level. Let the adventure begin!


Do you have a question or want to work with Brandy through her 1:1 Coaching, Speaking, Presenting, or other opportunities that feel in alignment?

Meet our founder, Brandy

Brandy has been passionately pursuing health and wellness for over 20 years. She loves to share her knowledge and experience as she creates opportunities for communities and leaders to gather and ignite their true potential.

She is here to support you and our community in any way she can, but primarily to create a safe space to playfully and curiously explore what lies beneath our knowing of self. She believes in the lifelong pursuit of mastery and is ready to join your pursuit alongside you and our community.

She welcomes you to jump aboard and enjoy this beautiful journey of life.
