Reminiscing on a beautiful event that took place when the winter darkness was still present.

The Recalibration Through Vibration Retreat on January 29th was beyond success. Laughs, smiles, music, dancing, pondering, sharing, crying, witnessing, giggling, writing, playing, moving. And it was only part of the wonderful journey of recalibration through vibration.
All In A Day’s Journey
Throughout the day we enjoyed clearing and uplifting Medicinal Tea, ate nourishing food prepared by Hailey Hamilton, connected with ourselves using music through instrumental playing with Kristian Power.
We participated in the Activation and Integration Breath Journey with Sound Healing. Immersed ourselves in cold tub and hot tub contrast therapy. Did more pondering, journaling and sharing. Many awakenings, acceptings, and allowings took place.
Screaming. Stomping. Howling. Releasing. Relaxing.
With a finish of calm, open, soft, gentle breaths to remember who we are and why we came.

But what I really want to focus on in this blog is sharing with you the healing properties of sound and vibration, and how discovering drumming and bringing it into my life has allowed me to ascend in my journey to becoming my authentic self.
The Sacred Art Of Drumming
Drumming has been a vital part of my journey of self-discovery. Why do I do it and why I MUST bring it into more people’s lives?

Drumming brings medicine on many levels of my life. It has profoundly shifted my health on a mental, physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level. It has truly raised my energy, vibration and will to bring more joy, health and wealth into my life.
If you’re curious, back in June I shared a video to offer a glimpse of the why behind drumming and the medicine that it brings into your life.
It was then a joy to invite Rochelle, Master Drum Maker and Energetic Medicine Woman, to be the special guest in my June 25th Elk Drum Creating, Constructing and Ceremonial Workshop.
For the whole day we were joined by six wonderful souls ready to create their own medicine drum; ready to learn how to connect and utilize it to cultivate clarity, ease, grace and abundance on ALL realms in their life.
We gathered in my beautiful home, clinic, course, workshop and retreat center I call “The Cocoon”. We got cozy and connected with other like minds. We nourished our bodies with local food, tea, and Rochelle guided us through a transformational experience, immersing ourselves within our souls and the beat of our own hearts.

We created, constructed and connected with our own sacred Elk Medicine Drum. Made with our own hands, we felt connected deeper with ourselves and empowered with tools and resources to cleanse, create, awaken and activate our true essence.
The Lasting Impact
There is no one technique to help a person heal and grow. For me, journaling, music, nature walks, ponderings, and going off grid are some of the ways I look deeper into my essence.
It is, therefore, so special to invite like-minded people into The Cocoon, our safe, non-judgmental community, to explore more ways of connecting to one another and the sacred space within and around us.
On that June day, we dove deep fast, we created not only drums, we created impact in our lives, impact that now will continue to ripple into our lives and all we touch.
What a gift!
Drum to awaken your heart.
Drum to connect with your Elemental Being.
Drum to move energy and emotion.
Drum to remember who you are.
Some Final Thoughts
You may not remember, but at one point in your life you were in an amniotic sack within your mom’s belly.
Have you ever been underwater and listened to your heart beat or the sound of music, or any noises? Can you remember how present they were? How the water amplified the sound?

Now, can you imagine, you as a baby growing in this fluid filled bubble and how you would have been so in tune to your heart beat, your mom’s heart beat and all the beautiful orchestra from within your mom?
Drumming is intuitive and instinctual, it truly does resonate through you.
Rochelle shared how creating drums with animal hides, this one specifically the Elk, brings the animal back to life. You have to take care of it as if it’s alive and respect its needs for moisture, heat and rest.
I created The Elemental Being platform to support a community to come back to their true nature. Connect with their inner Elemental Being, to instinctively connect to their natural essence, nature’s essence, and all’s essence, the environment we are in.
To support the playful pursuit to come back to an instinctual union with ourselves, our sacred unions and our communities.
For more inspiration and tips, follow The Elemental Being on Instagram.
With love and gratitude, Brandy